The Charter

Love Our Work’s mission is to foster more pride in the work our industry creates. Our aim is to rid ourselves of the toxicity we see on our professional forums. We believe this is crucial in helping nurture and retain talent and protecting the mental health of us all.

Be yourself

I will stand by my words and always put my name to any comments I post online

Be constructive

I will craft my feedback in a way that is respectful and understanding of the work

Be objective

I will remove myself and my feelings from the feedback

Be specific

I will hone in on the details to ensure my feedback is actionable

Be positive

I will focus more on what’s working and good rather than what’s not

Be supportive

I will support other people’s work and never write anything publicly that damages someone’s reputation.

By signing this charter I commit to not supporting any publication or body that engages in reputational damage to individuals or agencies.

We’d love to get support for the campaign from creative folk and agencies alike.